
Average score 611 Reviews
Frederic Puaud noted on Google

Bon restaurant chinois dans un cadre original: une ancienne poste juste derrière la cathédrale de Reims. Les raviolis de crevettes sont très bons. Le bœuf de Sichuan aussi. (Translated by Google) Good Chinese restaurant in an original setting: a former post office just behind Reims Cathedral. The shrimp ravioli are very good. Sichuan beef too.

1 month ago
LD noted on Google

Bien que le service soit parfois un peu long, ce restaurant vaut le détour, la cuisine est absolument délicieuse, la carte est fournie mais pas trop et surtout entièrement maitrisée. Tout est fait maison et ça se sent ! Même les nems ce qui est plus que rare ! Je recommande à 200% (Translated by Google) Although the service is sometimes a little long, this restaurant is worth the detour, the cuisine is absolutely delicious, the menu is extensive but not too extensive and above all entirely mastered. Everything is homemade and you can feel it! Even spring rolls which are more than rare! I recommend 200%

1 month ago
Eric SAGE noted on Google

2 months ago
Lin Wang noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The taste and dishes are great and can definitely beat many domestic restaurants! (Original) 味道和菜品超赞,完全可以吊打很多国内餐厅!

2 months ago
Danielle Hoppenbrouwers noted on Google

2 months ago
罗问号 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food is authentic and the prices are very reasonable. There is room for improvement in the quality of the rice, but the quality of the water in the carafe d’eau is not so good, but I have to blame the municipal government for this. (Original) 菜很地道,价格也很公道。 米饭质量还有提升空间,carafe d’eau 水质不太行,不过这个就得怪市政了。

2 months ago
François Delacourt noted on Google

Repas excellent, belle carte et ambiance sympathique... (Translated by Google) Excellent meal, beautiful menu and friendly atmosphere...

2 months ago
Kavita Princess noted on Google

2 months ago
Thierry Pauly noted on Google

Endroits très simple et cuisine saine très bien je recommande cette endroit les yeux fermés (Translated by Google) Very simple places and healthy cuisine very good I recommend this place with my eyes closed

2 months ago
Eva Simon noted on Google

Excellents plats! Les gérants et le personnel sont adorables! Y aller absolument! (Translated by Google) Excellent dishes! The managers and staff are adorable! Absolutely go there!

2 months ago

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